Heat Acclimatization Guidelines Introduction

Each year high school athletes experience serious injury and even death resulting from heat
related illnesses. It is a major concern in that the number of deaths over the last 15 years has
remained constant. That statistic becomes more alarming given that heat-related illness and
death are almost entirely preventable. The need to dramatically increase awareness of the issue,
recognize the symptoms of heat illness and treatment of suspected cases has become a primary
consideration for early season practice routines.

The NFMSS recognized the risk and has provided legislation to address the
problem. This document provides Maryland schools with assistance in the formation of heat
acclimatization guidelines. The guidelines were developed through a collaborative effort of
representatives from the National Federation of Middle School Sports (NFMSS), Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), National School Systems, Maryland Public Secondary
School’s Athletic Association (MPSSAA), Illinois Athletic Trainers Association (IATA) and
Licensed Physicians who treat student-athletes.
The contents of this document include education of coaches, parents, athletic administrators and
student-athletes; important definitions; hydration awareness; environmental and non
environmental risk factors; heat acclimatization timeline; and a basic emergency action plan.
The guidelines attempt to strike a safe balance between a gradual introduction and assimilation
into athletic practice and competition with the need to properly teach safe playing techniques.
The mitigation of other serious injuries must be considered in any pre-season practice format.
Each school system is encouraged to carefully consider this model policy when formulating
specific guidelines for acclimatization of athletes to warm weather conditions. Resources for all
sections of this document may be found on the Health and Safety page of MPSSAA.org.
Coaches, parents and students play a critical role in understanding the dynamics associated with
heat related illnesses. For many, the concept of heat acclimatization is a vague term. Likewise,
the awareness of hydration and/or heat related emergency procedures are also limited amongst
the general population. Raising the awareness l of heat related illness should be a priority of
each school’s athletic department. As a school system, the athletic Director, coach and athletic
trainer have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of your student athletes.
Educational initiatives on multiple fronts should be undertaken to reach the greatest level of
saturation. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) online course
entitled, “Heat Illness and Prevention” (www.nfhslearn.com) provides a highly recommended
guide to understanding the issue. This free course became operational on July 15, 2012.
The CDC, Maryland Athletic Trainers Association (MATA) and National Athletic Trainers
Association (NATA) also offer other courses and provide downloadable heat related information.
Any opportunity to educate coaches, parents and students to heat related illness should be taken.
In-service education, team meetings, student/parent orientation meetings, coach/parent pre
season meeting, expert consultants, public reminders and the distribution of literature are
delivery methods to elevate public awareness.
A proper heat-acclimatization plan in secondary school athletic programs is essential to minimize
the risk of exertional heat illness during the preseason practice period. Gradually increasing
athletes’ exposure to the duration and intensity of physical activity and to the environment
minimizes exertional heat-illness risk while improving athletic performance.
Progressive acclimatization is especially important during the initial 3 to 5 days of summer
practices. When an athlete undergoes a proper heat-acclimatization program, physiologic
function, exercise heat tolerance, and exercise performance are all enhanced. In contrast, athletes
who are not exposed to a proper heat-acclimatization program face measurable increased risks
for exertional heat illness.

  • Heat acclimatization (or acclimation) confers biological adaptations that reduce
    physiological strain (e.g., heart rate and body temperature), improve comfort, improve
    exercise capacity, and reduce the risks of serious heat illness during exposure to heat
  • The biological adaptations include integrated thermoregulatory, cardiovascular, fluid
    electrolyte, metabolic and molecular responses.
  • Heat acclimatization occurs when repeated exercise-heat exposures are sufficiently
    stressful to invoke profuse sweating and elevate whole-body temperatures.
  • About 2 weeks of ~90 min daily heat exposures are required
  • Heat acclimatization is specific to the climatic heat stress (desert or tropic) and physical
    exercise intensities the athletes are exposed to, which should simulate the expected
    competitive environment
  • Create an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for your school/coaches. Practice the EAP
  • Make sure that your emergency equipment works, know where your emergency
    equipment is stored and how it is used.
    Suggested guidelines for local consideration:
    ● Require completion of NFHS Course for coaches or provide continuing education to
    coaching staff.
    ● Provide handout materials formulated by CDC/MATA/NATA to parents at pre-season
    meetings. (See Resources Below)
    ● Agenda item at team meeting for each fall sport.
    ● Topic at PTSA meeting.
    ● Placement of pertinent material on MPSSAA website and links to related sites.
    ● Public Service announcement at games and on playoff radio and TV broadcast.
    ● Ads in Championship Programs.
    Resources on Education
    ● NFHS Education Course “Heat Illness and Prevention” – www.nfhslearn.com
    Center for Disease Control (CDC) “Extreme Heat – A Prevention Guide to
    Promote Your Personal Health & Safety”
    o “Extreme Heat – A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health & Safety” – http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hsb/extreme/Heat_Illness/index.html
    o https://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/prevguid/p0000449/p0000449.asp#head00200800
    ● NFHS Position Statement: Hydration to Minimize the Risk for Dehydration and Heat
    ● NFHS Heat Acclimatization and Heat Illness Prevention Position Statement
    ● NATA Position State: Fluid Replacement for Athletes
    ● NATA Position Statement: Exertional Heat Illnesses
    ● NATA Consensus Statement on Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines
    ● KSI Comparison of NCAA and High School Heat Acclimatization
    o Policieshttps://ksi.uconn.edu/wpcontent/uploads/sites/1222/2015/03/Comparison
    ● Gatorade Sports Science Institute
    o https://www.gssiweb.org/en/sports-science-exchange/article/sse-128-hydration
  • Gatorade Sports Science
    Coaches, Students and Parents Infographics
  • YLM SPORT SCIENCE Information Flyer
    o https://ylmsportscience.com/2019/05/08/heat-acclimation-for-competition-in-the
  • NFHS & NATA signs of Heat Illness
    o https://www.nfhs.org/media/1015650/2015-nata-heat-illness-handout.pdf
  • USA Football and KSI
    o Tools for better Practice & Heat and Hydration
    o https://usafootball.com/resources-tools/coach/practice-guidelines
    o https://ksi.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1222/2015/03/Heat-and
  • National Weather Service Heat Exhaustion vs. Heat Stroke
    o https://www.weather.gov/wrn/heat_infographics
    Important Definitions
    For the purpose of this document, the following definitions will be used to provide meaning and
    further interpretations of the guidelines. Definitions for heat acclimatization, practice, and
    recovery period was derived directly from Maryland Code, Education § 7-434 while the
    definition of a walk-through comes from the National Athletic Trainers Association Preseason
    Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines for Secondary School Athletics.
    Heat Acclimatization – Enhancing an individual’s exercise heat tolerance and ability to exercise
    safely and effectively in warm to hot conditions.
    Practice – A period of time a student-athlete engages in physical activity during a coach
    supervised, school-approved sports- or conditioning-related activity, including warm-up,
    stretching, weight training, and cool-down periods.
    Walk-Through – A teaching opportunity when an athlete is not wearing protective equipment,
    including helmets, shoulder pads, catcher’s gear, or shin guards, or using other sports-related
    equipment (eg, footballs, lacrosse sticks, blocking sleds, pitching machines, soccer balls, marker
    Recovery Period – the time between the end of one practice or walk-through and the beginning
    of the next practice or walk-through.
    Hydration – The process of drinking fluid to restore fluid levels in the body to avoid poor
    performance, muscle cramps, dizziness, fatigue, and other heat related illness.
    Hydration Awareness
    The purpose of proper hydration in regard to the overall safety and conditioning of a student
    athlete is a key part of a successful high school athletic program and one of the most preventable
    ways to combat heat illnesses. The responsibility to prevent injury and to successfully hydrate
    student-athletes is shared among the student-athlete, coaching staff, and athletic trainers.
    Many student-athletes are not educated on the need for hydration and do not voluntarily drink
    enough water to prevent significant dehydration during physical activity. National
    recommendations suggest student-athletes drink regularly throughout all physical activities. An
    athlete cannot always rely on his or her sense of thirst for proper hydration.
    Suggested guidelines for local consideration:
    ● Readily available and unlimited amounts of water during practice and designated breaks.
    ● Drink before, during and after practice and games. For example:
    o Drink 16 ounces of fluid 2 hours before physical activity.
    o Drink another 8 to 16 ounces 15 minutes before physical activity.
    o During physical activity, drink 4 to 8 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes
    (some athletes who sweat considerably can safely tolerate up to 48 ounces per
    ● After physical activity, drink 16 to 20 ounces of fluid for every pound lost during
    physical activity to achieve normal hydration status before the next practice or
    ● Student-athletes who do not properly rehydrate their bodies between practices run the risk
    of cumulative dehydration. Cumulative dehydration develops insidiously over several
    days and raises the risk for heat illness, especially in the first few days of acclimatization.
    (See NATA position statement on Fluid Replacement for Athletes).
    ● Student-athletes can monitor their hydration level by the color and volume of urine.
    Small amounts of dark urine indicate indicates the need to drink more, while a “regular”
    amount of light-colored urine is normal and indicates the student-athlete is well hydrated.
    A urine chart, such as the one used by the University of Maryland, should be posted so
    that student-athletes can access their individual hydration.
    ● Student-athletes should be weighed (in shorts and T-shirt) before and after warm or hot
    weather practice sessions and contests to assess their estimated change in hydration
    ● Athletic trainers, if available, should assist in the monitoring of student-athletes during
    times where athletes are becoming acclimated to a new sports season and when
    temperatures are high.
    ● Hyponatremia is a rare, but potentially deadly disorder resulting from the over
    consumption of water or other low-sodium fluid (including most sports drinks). It is
    commonly seen during endurance events, such as marathons, when participants consume
    large amounts of water or other beverages over several hours, far exceeding fluid lost
    through sweating. The opposite of dehydration, hyponatremia is a condition where there
    is an excessive amount of water in the blood and the sodium content of the blood is
    diluted to dangerously low levels. Affected individuals may exhibit disorientation, altered
    mental status, headache, lethargy and seizures. A confirmed diagnosis can be made by
    measuring blood sodium levels. Suspected hyponatremia is a medical emergency and the
    Emergency Medical System must be activated (or Call 9-1-1). Hyponatremia is treated by
    administering intravenous fluids containing high levels of sodium (hypertonic solutions).
    Resources on Hydration
    ● NFHS Position Statement and Recommendations for Maintaining Hydration to Optimize
    Performance and Minimize the Risk for Exertional Heat Illness
    ● NFHS Heat Acclimatization and Heat Illness Prevention Position Statement
    ● NATA Position State: Fluid Replacement for Athletes
    ● NATA Position Statement: Exertional Heat Illnesses
    ● Hydration Color Chart
    Environmental and Non-Environmental Risk Factors
    Enacting guidelines to fit every situation is problematic when individual and local differences
    often render unique circumstances. Local school systems should be prepared to make
    interpretations and error on the side of caution when dealing with unique circumstances.
    The guidelines recommended for local consideration are minimum requirements designed to
    acclimatize student-athletes so they can participate effectively in warm and hot conditions and
    reduce the risk of heat related illnesses. However, environmental and non-environmental risk
    factors can increase the risk of heat illness per individual participant and per individual school.
    Local school systems are recommended to be educated, aware, and enact policy when needed to
    address environmental and non-environmental risk factors.
    Environmental Risk Factors
    School systems are encouraged to assess the environmental conditions for each day of practice
    and have policies in place depending on the assessment of the conditions. The more humid and
    hot conditions are on any given day of practice, the higher the risk for heat illness and
    appropriate modifications to the practice schedule may be necessary.
    Air temperature, combined with humidity, wind speed and the amount of radiant heat are all
    contributing environmental factors that can increase the risk of heat illness.
    Resources for Environmental Risk Factors
    ● NATA Position Statement: Exertional Heat Illness
    ● The NOAA national Weather Service’s Heat Index Chart:
    Non-Environmental Risk Factors
    The inter-association task force on exertional heat illnesses consensus statement details factors
    that may increase the risk associated with participation in the heat for individual students.
    During moderate exercise, 70 to 90 percent of the energy produced by the body is released as
    heat. The NFHS Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) lists the following non
    environmental risk factors that can hamper heat dissipation and put an athlete at increased risk
    for heat illness.
    Risk Factors:
    ● Clothing and Equipment. Clothing and equipment inhibit heat loss from the body and
    increase the risk for heat illness. Dry clothing and equipment absorb sweat and prevent
    evaporative heat loss. Dark clothing or equipment produces radiant heat gain. Clothing
    and equipment decrease convective heat loss by interfering with air contact with the
    body. During periods of high WBGT or Heat Index, the risk of heat illnesses increases
    when clothing and equipment are worn. Thus, risk is minimized through the removal of
    equipment and participating in drills wearing shirts and shorts only. Given that a great
    deal of heat radiates from the head; helmets should be removed early on in hot and humid
    ● Age — Children acclimatize to heat more slowly and are less effective in regulating body
    heat than adults.
    ● Dehydration — It has been shown that moderate levels of dehydration (3-5% of body
    weight) can cause a significant decrease in performance and predispose an athlete to
    exertional heat illness. Lack of sufficient water release by the sweat glands makes it
    very difficult for the body to dissipate heat through evaporation. Thirst is a poor
    indication of hydration. (See more in the Hydration Section)
    ● Pre-activity Hydration Status — Athletes who begin activity in an already dehydrated
    state are at increased risk for exertional heat illness. Pre-activity hydration status may be
    compromised by inadequate rehydration following previous session, alcohol
    consumption, rapid weight loss regimes (i.e., wrestling), and febrile or gastrointestinal
    illness (vomiting or diarrhea).
    ● High Body Fat — Athletes with a high percentage of body fat are at increased risk for
    heat illness, as fat acts to insulate the body and decreases the body’s ability to dissipate
    ● Poor Acclimatization/Fitness Level — Those not yet acclimatized to the heat or
    inadequately conditioned are at increased risk.
    ● Febrile Illness — A fever increases core temperature and decreases the ability of the
    body to compensate. It is dangerous to exercise with a fever, especially when the Wet
    Bulb Globe Test (WBGT) is high. Athletes with a fever, respiratory illness, vomiting or
    diarrhea should not exercise, especially in a hot environment.
    ● Medications — Amphetamines (including ADHD medications), ephedrine, synephrine,
    ma huang and other stimulants increase heat production. Some medications have anti
    cholinergic actions (amitriptyline, Atrovent) resulting in decreased sweat production.
    Diuretics can produce dehydration. Athletes taking medication for ADHD should be
    monitored closely for signs and symptoms of heat illness.
    ● Sickle Cell Trait — Athletes with sickle cell trait (SCT) are at increased risk for a
    sickling crisis with exercise during hot weather. Special precautions should be taken in
    hot and humid conditions for athletes with SCT
    ● Prior Heat Illness History – the risk factor for individuals with a prior history of heat
    related illnesses is higher. Decreased heat tolerance may affect 15 percent of athletes
    with a history of previous heat illness.
    Additional non-environmental risk factors are found in the consensus statement by the inter
    association task force. Education and understanding of these considerations is recommended for
    school systems.
    Resources for Non-Environmental Risk Factors
    ● NATA Position Statement: Exertional Heat Illness
    ● NFHS SMAC Heat Related Illness
    Heat Acclimatization Period
    The implementation of any heat acclimatization guidelines should take into account an
    acclimatization period that defines the duration, intensity and number of required practices to
    acclimatize each individual student-athlete. The duration and intensity for practices are
    suggested to gradually increase the student-athlete’s heat tolerance, enhance their ability to
    participate safely in warm and hot conditions and minimize their risk for heat related illnesses.
    The body of evidence supporting heat acclimatization guidelines is extensive and led to the
    National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) and an inter-association task force comprised of
    the American College of Sports Medicine, Gatorade Sports Science Institute, National Strength
    and Conditioning Association, United States Army Research Institute of Environmental
    Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for
    Sports Medicine and American Academy of Pediatrics to develop Preseason Heat
    Acclimatization Guidelines for Secondary School Athletics.
    These national guidelines serve as a basis in forming a model policy to acclimatize student
    athletes to their respective environment for the safe training and participation during the
    preseason practice period.
    Suggested guidelines for local consideration take into account the need for instructional and
    repetition during the preseason practice period to reduce the risk of other sport related injuries.
    However, no research or sound reasoning was found to deviate from the minimum requirements
    of the inter-association task force’s policy relating to the duration, intensity and number of
    practices during the first five days of acclimatization. Therefore, it is in the best interest to
    reduce the risk of heat related illnesses by not compromising a student-athlete’s acclimatization
    period while encouraging athletic administrators and coaches to find the most effective methods
    to increase and use instructional time.
    Furthermore, these guidelines are recommended for fall practice where the greatest risks for heat
    related illnesses occur. However, athletes practicing indoors, in non-air conditioned or poorly
    ventilated gyms are also susceptible as are students practicing for spring sports. The guidelines
    are also recommended for winter and spring sports regarding the duration and intensity of
    practices and local school systems should evaluate whether equipment restrictions are necessary.
    Suggested guidelines for local consideration:
    These suggested guidelines for local consideration are intended to provide direction to school
    teams for the suggested acclimatization of student-athletes during preseason practice period
    required prior to the first play date.
    ● General Guidelines
    o On single-practice days, one walk-through is permitted.
    o Double practice days (beginning no earlier than practice day 6) must be followed
    by a single-practice day or rest day. When a double-practice day is followed by a
    rest day, another double-practice day is permitted after the rest day.
    o All practices and walk-through sessions must be separated by three hours of
    continuous rest.
    o If a practice is interrupted by inclement weather or heat restrictions, the practice
    should recommence once conditions are deemed safe, but total practice time
    should not exceed its limitations.
    o Equipment Restrictions
    ▪ Football
    ● Practice days 1 and 2 – helmets only, and shorts/t-shirts
    ● Practice days 3 through 5 – helmets and shoulder pads only.
    Contact with blocking sleds and tackling dummies may be
    ● Beginning practice day 6 – full protective equipment and full
    contact may begin.
    ▪ Field Hockey
    ● Practice days 1 and 2 – Goalies in helmet and goalie kickers,
    athletes may wear shin guards, goggles and mouth pieces.
    ● Practice days 3 through 5 – Goalies in helmet, chest protection and
    goalie kickers.
    ● Beginning practice day 6 – full protective equipment may be worn.
    ▪ Soccer – Shin guards and goalie gloves can be worn beginning day 1
    ▪ Volleyball- Knee pads may be worn beginning day 1
    o The heat-acclimatization period is designed for students on an individual basis.
    Days in which athletes do not practice due to a scheduled rest day, injury, illness
    or other reasons do not count towards the heat-acclimatization period.
    ● Practice Days 1-5
    o School teams shall conduct all practices within the general guidelines above as
    well as the following guidelines for practice days 1-5.
    o School teams are limited to one practice per day not to exceed three hours in
    o One walk-through session is permitted per day no longer than 1 hour in duration.
    ● Practice Days 6-14
    o School teams shall conduct all practices within the general guidelines above as
    well as the following guidelines for practice days 6-14.
    o Total practice and walk-through time per day should be limited to five hours with
    no single session longer than three hours in duration.
    o School teams may participate in full contact practices with all protective
    equipment worn.

    Note: Shaded days reflect Heat Acclimatization Period
    Resources for Heat Acclimatization Guidelines
    ● NATA “Preseason Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines For Secondary School Athletics”
    ● NATA Consensus Statement on Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines
    Modifications based on Heat Index or
    Heat Index Chart and Recommendations
    Code Gold – Heat Index Under 95°
    Provide ample water. Water is always and athletes should have unrestricted access.
    Optional water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minute time frames. Ice-down tub and
    towels are available. Athletes should be monitored carefully. Re-check heat index every
    30 minutes.
    Code Orange – Heat Index from 95° to 104°
    Provide ample water. Water is always and athletes should have unrestricted access.
    Mandatory water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minute time frames. Ice-down tub and
    towels are available.
    Reduce time outside or move indoors to air conditioning if possible. Athletes should be
    monitored carefully. Re-check heat index every 30 minutes.
    Code Red – Heat Index from 105° and Above
    Stop all outside activity including practice or play. Stop all indoor activity if air
    conditioning is not available and the heat index indoors is 105° or greater. Re-check heat
    index every 30 minutes.
    Athletic Directors and Athletic Trainers should use best judgement when making the call. The Athletic Director with consultation from the Athletic Trainer will make the call regarding the heat code based on the Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer (WBGT) reading at the hottest field. In lieu of the Athletic Director being present, the Athletic Trainer has the final say on the field. The Office of Athletics may determine the code for the system.


WBGT Practice Modifications
A Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) device is a measurement tool that uses ambient temperature,
relative humidity, wind, and solar radiation from the sun to get a measure to monitor environmental
conditions during exercise.

  • < 82oF(WBGT) = Regular practices with full practice gear can be conducted. A rest to work
    ratio of 5 minutes rest and fluid
    replenishment for every 20 to 25 minutes of exertion is recommended.
  • 82.1oF- 86.9oF= Use discretion for intense or prolonged exercise; watch at-risk players
    carefully. Provide at least three separate
    rest breaks each hour with a minimum duration of 4 min each.
  • 87.1oF- 90oF= Maximum practice time is 2 h. For Football: players are restricted to helmet,
    shoulder pads, and shorts during
    practice. If the WBGT rises to this level during practice, players may continue to work out
    wearing football pants without
    changing to shorts. For All Sports: Provide at least four separate rest breaks each hour with a
    minimum duration of 4 min
  • 90.1o F– 92o F= Maximum practice time is 1 h. For All Sports: There must be 20 min of rest
    breaks distributed throughout the
    hour of practice. For Football: no protective equipment may be worn during practice, and there
    may be no conditioning
  • 92.1o+ F= No outdoor workouts. Delay practice until a cooler WBGT level is reached.
    *Recommendations from Category 3 heat safety zones adapted from the Korey Stringer Institute
    Emergency Plan
    Emergency action plans (EAPs) are concrete written plans that outline what to do in the event of
    a catastrophic injury during any athletic event (practice, conditioning, strength training or
    competition). Practicing a comprehensive hydration and acclimatization plan minimizes but does
    not eliminate the risk of heat illness or exertional heat stroke (EHS). Developing, distributing
    and practicing an effective EAP provides the best chance of survival in the event of a
    catastrophic event. Therefore, it is critical that each school have in place specific preparedness
    measures should they encounter a heat emergency. Knowing what to do and reviewing specific
    protocols can minimize potentially catastrophic injuries and death.
    As local conditions render each school setting unique, any emergency plan needs to be tailored to
    suit individual school needs and should be specific to each venue within the school
    grounds. There are however common factors that should comprise every school’s emergency
    plans. In light of the fact that a qualified medical person might not be on hand at every game or
    practice, it is recommended that a simple plan be prescribed. An uncomplicated plan provides
    the best opportunity to be remembered and then employed in time of crises.
    A simple plan with assigned specific delegated duties could prove to be most helpful in:
  • Remembering what to do
  • Covering important tasks
  • Offering the best chance for survival
    Any single heat emergency plan should incorporate three basic components; recognition of heat
    illness, immediate cooling and transport via ambulance to a hospital.
    Each school shall have venue specific emergency action plan(s). The emergency action plans are
    reviewed and rehearsed each year or sooner if needed. The review shall include pertinent school
    staff and the local EMS provider. Regular practice of the EAP including all medical and
    coaching staff that may participate ensures the best outcomes. Every school’s EAP shall:
  • Be distributed to all athletics staff members as well as healthcare professionals who will
    provide medical coverage during games, practices, conditioning sessions or other events
  • Be posted on site at each athletic venue where it is readily visible to all coaches and
  • Be specific to each venue where practices, conditioning sessions and competitions take
  • List & location of all emergency equipment that may be needed in an emergency
    o Equipment to perform whole body cold water immersion (100 gallon stock tank,
    plastic children’s pool, tarp for “taco method”, etc)
    o Cold water immersion is recommended for all suspected Heat Stroke events.
    Defined as a change in mental status with Core Body temperature > 105 o F
    o Access to adequate supply of water and ice
    o 3-4 towels and adequate shade
    o Ability to adequately assess core body temperature. Rectal Thermometry is the
    gold standard for body temperature assessment. Removal from cold water
    immersion prior to returning the body to the appropriate core temperature can
    render the treatment ineffective and lead to death or permanent
    disability. Maryland State EMS protocol supports cooling the EHS victim prior
    to transporting to a hospital. Athlete is safe to transport when core body
    temperature is between 101 o F and 102 o F
    o Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
    o All equipment should be on site and readily accessible at all times. Athletic
    practices and events often occur outside of the normal school operating day and
    equipment must be available in order to be effective.
  • Identify personnel and their responsibilities to carry out the plan of action with a
    designated chain of command
    o Contact 911/EMS, contact athlete’s parent/guardian
    o Consider gates that may need to be unlocked for ambulance access
    o Person(s) to prepare soaking tub or pool with water and ice
    o Person(s) to assist with moving and attending injured player
    o Person to meet and escort emergency vehicle to victim
  • Include appropriate contact information for EMS and facility/venue address and access
  • Identify a place of shelter in the event of severe weather for outdoor venues
  • Specify documentation actions that need to be taken post emergency
    Below is a link to a template Emergency Action Plan. This can be used to guide a school in its
    development of venue specific EAPs: