Middle School Sports Getting Recognition
The National Federation of Middle School Sports is a non-profit organization that believes that all students of all grades should receive the same opportunities. Middle school sports are a huge part of the American society but are very often not recognized. In almost every state in the country there is no recognition for middle school athletes on a school level. Middle schools have sports just like high schools do, so why can high school sports have a state championship, but middle schools did not? Why has there been no State Championship Games for middle schools? There are websites that recognize student-athletes and the high schools but nothing to recognize the middle school students. No where for the middle school coaches to post the players stats, and simply show how hard the students are working. That is all about to change!
Why become a NFMSS member?
NFMSS believes in equality in sports for all races, genders, and sporting interest. With over 150 years of combined leadership and coaching experience, our agenda is to ensure that middle school sports are taken to the next level. Each middle school participating in the NFMSS must register their school with us and pay all registration fees. Member schools are required to pay $600 per sport per calendar year. Please note that Girls Basketball and Boys Basketball are 2 different registration fees. However, when you pay the Boys or Girls Basketball registration fee it registers all grades from 6th – 8th (in that particular sport). Member schools can pay the $600 fee for each particular sport(s), or the member school may choose to pay a fee of $1800 which would allow the school to compete in every sport that the NFMSS offers per the calendar year (August 1 until May 31).
Once the member school has registered and paid all fees, the member school will then electronically receive a “Welcome Packet”. This packet will include information on the NFMSS, and that particular schools Registration Number.

NFMSS Sports Mission
- Promote high standards of achievement and ethics in interscholastic athletics.
- Promote better public relations and sportsmanship between schools.
- Provide educational opportunities, courses and conferences affecting the administration of high school athletics.
- Promote goodwill and fellowship among the athletic administrators of the state.
- Cooperate with and promote all activities of the National Federation of Middle School Sports.
- Cooperate with and promote all activities of the NFMSS.
- Recognize that the administrative head of the school is held ultimately responsible in athletic activities involving his/her school.
- Assist the Executive Director in carrying out the rules and regulations of the NFMSS.
NFMSS Statement of Purpose
The Corporation is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes, within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The specific purposes of the Corporation are as follows:
1. To promote high standards of achievement and ethics in interscholastic athletics.
2. To promote better public relations and sportsmanship between schools.
3. To provide for an exchange of ideas and a better understanding of the administration of high school athletics.
4. To cooperate, assist, and promote all activities of the National Federation of Middle School Sports.
5. To conduct education conferences, seminars and lectures.
6. To grant scholarships to students on the basis of financial need and/or scholasti ability.
7. To conduct district, regional and state interscholastic athletics throughout the NFMSS.
8. To cooperate, assist and promote all activities of the NFMSS.
1. To provide greater educational opportunities and courses for athletic administrators.
2. Working to increase the number of corporate sponsorships
3. Working to increase the number of National Federation of Middle School Sports memberships
4. Supporting and promoting NFMSS coaching education programs
5. Studying the NFMSS Annual Conference format
6. Ensuring the athletic administrators provide athletic programs that promote good sportsmanship for students
7. Establishing lines of communication with the NFMSS member school leadership, Parents, Students, Coaches, and Athletic Directors.
Each school is required to submit rosters for each sport that the said school has registered to participate in the NFMSS. Once rosters are submitted to NFMSS, our staff will then send the roster to that particular school’s athletic director. This is done to verify that every player listed on the roster is actually enrolled in the school that they are playing for. Players are not allowed to go from team to team playing. The NFMSS has a competition and compliance standard. Students MUST play for the Middle School that they are attending ONLY, and this is the reason that the Athletic Director MUST verify all rosters.
NO Middle School will be allowed to participate, nor scheduled; for any NFMSS events/competitions without first submitting a roster(s) for EACH sport they are competing in. Please note that if a student athlete is on one roster during the calendar years season, he/she cannot compete with another middle school (during the same calendar year) without the written consent from the NFMSS national office. When competing in a NFMSS event EVERY player must be in full uniform. Each participant must be wearing the same uniform as the other participating athletes. T-SHIRTS will not be allowed to serve a uniform. If you decide to add a player to your roster after the season competition has already begun, this athlete must be submitted to and cleared by the NFMSS National Office.