Athletic Director’s Must Verify School Rosters
Each school is required to submit rosters for each sport that the said school has registered to participate in the NFMSS. Once rosters are submitted to NFMSS, our staff will then send the roster to that particular school’s athletic director. This is done to verify that every player listed on the roster is actually enrolled in the school that they are playing for. Players are not allowed to go from team to team playing. The NFMSS has a competition and compliance standard. Students MUST play for the Middle School that they are attending ONLY, and this is the reason that the Athletic Director MUST verify all rosters.
NO Middle School will be allowed to participate, nor scheduled; for any NFMSS events/competitions without first submitting a roster(s) for EACH sport they are competing in. Please note that if a student athlete is on one roster during the calendar years season, he/she cannot compete with another middle school (during the same calendar year) without the written consent from the NFMSS national office. When competing in a NFMSS event EVERY player must be in full uniform. Each participant must be wearing the same uniform as the other participating athletes. T-SHIRTS will not be allowed to serve a uniform. If you decide to add a player to your roster after the season competition has already begun, this athlete must be submitted to and cleared by the NFMSS National Office.